President Report 2020

Year 2020 brings many changes in the way we live, work, and socialise. Constantly adapting to the ever-changing new normal, our exco team and volunteers adjusted, learning new skills and reinvented the way members of EEE Alumni Community interact with each other. For us to uphold our EEEAA values “Service with Passion, Innovative & Fun, Unity with Trust”, we made some significant changes to continue creating unique experiences for our members.

The last physical event held since AGM 2019 @ Jewel Changi was our quarterly casual networking in December 2020 – ChillOut @ The Bar Station, where members had meaningful conversations over one glass of beverage each. This event will continue to be an essential event for many to reconnect with their fellow EEE Alumni face to face after social distance measures are lifted. All physical events like our Anchor events like Durian Tour and E3Spirit Cup, scheduled for its 10th Edition this year, are also put on hold until further notice.

Despite the pandemic, we continue to get strong support from the EEE community with good participant rate in our virtual engagement efforts. PUBG Challenge 2020 – one of the first NTU alumni E-Sport Game, attracted close to 70 participants and more than 1,000 viewership on our social media. We had also conducted a Zoom Workshop for young and future EEE alumni, called “Transitioning to Working Life”, where senior alumni imparted invaluable knowledge from their vast work and entrepreneur experiences, providing young and future alumni insights to better prepare themselves for the career challenges they face ahead.

And staying true to tradition – to creating a unique AGM at landmark locations, our organizing team this year crafted a virtual AGM done live at the newly opened NTU Yunan Garden. With many fantastic Modern Architecture in NTU, like The Wave, The Hive, etc, our team collaborated with NTU EEE Club, Garage@NTU and MLDA@EEE to produce a 3 part series video, depicting conversations and dialogues between young, future and senior alumni about how similar but yet different their university experiences were. This will be showcased
during the e-AGM and will posted on our website and social media.

The Distinctive Service with Passion Award this year goes to Tan Jiunn Long, who displayed leadership and dedication to lead the organizing team for PUBG Challenge 2020 and ChillOut March 2019. He also produced many fun and creative festive EEEAA logos, as well as event posters as a Creative Director. Other honourable mentions for the Service with Pasion Award are Mayly, Yong Wei, Teck Lih, Jun Yuan, Duan Kai, Kingsley, Roderick Chia, Bhadhri Prasad, Qian Hanhua and Hendri Zhang. Special Thanks also goes to May Lim for going the extra mile to support EEE Alumni events and initiatives.

It is with the Passion to Serve from each and every single exco members and strong support from our members, taking their time off from their busy schedules to connect with NTU EEE Alumni Community, we are able to continue with our mission to be the Platform to Connect, Engage and Serve Our Members, Creating a Lifelong & Worldwide Community of Alumni. Thank you.

Cheah Wai Soon
President | EEE Alumni Association
21st- 22nd Executive Committee

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