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About NTU EEE Alumni Association (EEEAA)
EEEAA is a voluntary organization established in 1996 by the pioneer batch of NTU EEE graduates.
To be the Platform to Connect, Engage and Serve Our Members, Creating a Lifelong & Worldwide Community of Alumni.
To be One of the Best Alumni Associations in Singapore that Value Adds to Our Members.
Service with Passion
Innovative & Fun
Unity with Trust

Corporate Identity
The logo is designed with 3Es representing the NTU School of EEE, in the shape of a pyramid. To the architect, the pyramid is the strongest structure known and it represents stability.
Each E is also designed in the shape of the pyramid representing the EEE Alumni Community, the Industries and the Singapore Society respectively. The 3Es are structured interdependently symbolising the close working relationship among them. Together, the 3Es contribute to the country, bringing prosperity and progress to the nation.
Blue colour which means Inspirational, Dependable, Committed, Sincerity, Calm & Confident is used to enhance the value of EEE Community.
EEEAA Membership
All persons who have successfully completed their undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses with the NTU School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering will be automatically enrolled as Member of EEEAA. The nominal membership fee will be sponsored by the School of EEE.
Members who wish to opt-out as member can contact the EEEAA Exco and make the request.
EEEAA Executive Committee
25 – 26th Executive Committee (2020 – 2022)
(Click here to see Exco Photos & LinkedIn)
President : Cheah Wai Soon
Vice President 1 : Bhadhri Prasad
Vice President 2 : Neo Duan Kai
Secretary : Ang Teck Lih
Asst. Secretary : Tan Jiunn Long
Treasurer : Qian HanHua
Asst. Treasurer : Gao PeiJi
Ordinary Members:
Ge Hailin
Hendri Zhang
Khur Boon Kgim
Ng Kah Meng
Tey Jun Yuan
Roderick Chia
May Thet Paing Oo
Zhai Yao
Kingsley Low
Sophin Teo
Internal Auditors :
25th – Arshad Kashif
25th – Rahul Singh
26th – Sim Teong Chuan
26th – Zheng Yongmian
School Liaison :
May Lim
Clara Lee
Assoc Prof Ng Beng Koon
Contact Us
NTU EEE Alumni Association
Students Life and Development Unit
Block S2, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
(Room No. S2-B2-39)
May Lim (Tel: 65137611)
Clara Tan (Tel: 67905027)