20th AGM on Yacht

20th AGM on Yacht


Upon arrival at the yachts, the Executive Committee members had a short briefing, led by our overall in-charge for this event, Roderick. The briefing includes the registration flow, wet-weather plan, logistics plan, individual’s roles and overall event flow.

20th AGM on Yacht

Air-Synchronized Meeting

This year’s AGM was held in 3 different yachts. The committee was conducting tests to synchronize their meeting early in the morning. It was conducted with air-synchronized live across all the yachts.

20th AGM on Yacht

EEE Alumni Association Agenda for 20th Annual General Meeting

  1. Passing of Minutes of 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of 19th AGM
  3. President’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Dissolution of Current EEEAA Committee and Elections for 21st – 22th Committee
  6. Any Other Business

EEEAA held their 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on a yacht at One°15 Marina, Sentosa Cove for the first time! This is another challenge that EEEAA chose to embark on since December 2015. The meeting was conducted with air-synchronized live across 3 yachts, namely Golden Ocean, Sea Wind One and Sardinia.

Prior to this day, the Committee was having a very huge concern on the haze situation in Singapore as previous year plan was discarded due to this reason. The haze may affect the meeting and activities as it was planned to sun, sea, beach and barbeque incorporated into 1 event. To their great relieve, the day started with light showers that cleared the atmosphere with sun and being refreshing.

20th AGM on Yacht

Upon arrival at the yacht jetty, the Executive Committee (Exco) had a briefing to delicate roles to respective members and the flow of events. Thereafter, everyone helped to prepare the logistics and assist in the registration preparations to welcome the alumni. As this was the first time an AGM was held on 3 different yachts, the. Exco utilized all means and knowledge in technology to synchronize the meeting and achieved live telecast across all the yachts.

The main objective of AGM is to engage and reach out to more EEE alumni. It was one of the biggest activities organized by EEEAA annually. The Exco always aimed to organize interesting AGM every year in order to benefit its members. More importantly, the AGM purposed on reviewing the past year EEEAA events and the direction the EEEAA is progressing in the future. Without a doubt, it is also a platform for everyone to provide feedbacks and brainstorm on future events which can be beneficial. In a nutshell, the AGM is important as it showcases the position and reiterates the directions in which the association is heading to, for all the members of the association and the EEE alumni as a whole.

At 2.30 pm, the 20th AGM commenced. Honorary Assistant Secretary Yi Ying, started the meeting by reviewing the 19th AGM. Thereafter, President Hendri presented the President’s Report.

Hendri started sharing on what EEEAA have done over the past few years. From the 12th AGM in 2008 where there was only 8 members to the present, EEEAA have grown stronger tremendously over the years. We can clearly see an impressive increase in the number of participants in each event organized by the EEEAA.

This change was seen after the positive decision of the Exco of reviving the organization. With time to build up the capacity, coupled by creative ideas, great effort and stabilization from the team, 2 years was taken as the growing success can be patiently observed. Thereafter, in 2010, the 14th AGM was held on the Imperial Cheng Ho Cruise which successfully attracted a remarkable attendance of 130 participants. It was one of the greatest events in EEEAA history as it boosted the confidence of the Exco in organizing the next event. Building on that success, the next AGM was located at Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant, on the 60th level of UOB Plaza, and during the F1 night. The list of successful events goes on.

Truthfully, there were setbacks along the way. However, the team learns from the temporary defeats, and comes back stronger each time. We can proudly say that the initial plan to make a greater change, was successful. The better transformation in EEEAA is greatly relatable to the Olympic motto, hendiatris Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.

Thanks and appreciation was given to all Exco members, EEE alumni, and Alumni Affairs Office, including Mr Guo Sam Nan, Ms Christine Chua, Ms Henny and Prof Ng. It is not only for their presence in the AGM but their continuous support that is encouraging.

The meeting was followed by the Treasurer’s report by Zhai Yao, who has held the treasurer’s position for the past two years. Then, it was the Appreciation to the 19th and 20th Executive Committee Members.

Prof Ng was invited to present the certificates and small tokens of appreciation to all 18 Exco members who have contributed their time and effort in EEEAA. Out of the 18 members, members who had contributed more than their call of duty were also recognized. They are Kah Meng, Boon Kgim, Wai Soon, Yiying, Wang Jing and Roderick. To end off this segment of AGM, a group photo of the Exco members was taken.

Finally, it was the dissolution of the current EEEAA Committee, announced by Han Kiat. Similarly, for the Elections for 21st-22nd Committee, Han Kiat announced the names of the Exco, including Ordinary Members and Co-opted Members. It is amazing to see how much EEEAA has grown over the years.

After the AGM, the party began. 4 yachts (after adding Sea Sparkle) started setting off towards Lazarus Island at roughly 3.30 pm.

The ride was comfortable and the scenery was captivating. Everyone on the yachts were enjoying themselves as they interacted among one another, have some photographs and relaxed. The time spent on the yachts was doubtlessly a good chance for them to bond while knowing one another better.


BBQ and Networking

20th AGM on Yacht

Finally, at around 4.30pm, the yachts reached the Bay of Lazarus Island. Thankfully, the barbeque food was prepared by two student helpers earlier. The readied food allowed the participants to settle back and simply enjoy themselves. Exco members joined in to help with the setting up and cooking while the rest of the participants gathered under the spacious sheltered area. The food looked appealing. There were fried rice, fried bee hoon, satays, sausages, sliced meats and desserts such as cream puffs and iced sea coconut.

After the scrumptious dinner, some of the participants ventured out to explore the island, and some even managed to catch rare Pokémon. It was pleasing to see that everyone was enjoying and having fun among themselves. Definitely, the place is ideal for friends and family as they interacted with people and forged new friendships.

This event has definitely created an enjoyable time for all the participants. A big thank you to all participants, including the Exco members who have put in all the time and effort to make this event a success! Looking forward to the next EEEAA activity!

20th AGM on Yacht


Interviewed one of the newly added alumni member, Victor who come along with his partner. When asked to use 3 words to describe his opinion of EEEAA 20th AGM & Sunset BBQ, he says “It was fun.”

20th AGM on Yacht


Member of the Exco, Roderick helping out with barbecuing the food for the Alumni.

20th AGM on Yacht

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